The end of summer does not mean the end of lawn care and maintenance. The heat of the summer, the dry weather, and foot traffic cause major stress on your lawn, not to mention the stress caused by the invading weeds and bugs. The fall, with its cooler temperatures and occasional rainfall, is the ideal time to prepare your lawn for next spring. After a long-dormant winter, you want your lawn to wake up healthy and revitalized. Here are some tips to help ensure a healthy and lush lawn in the spring.
First, Dethatch and Aerate your lawn. Thatch acts as a barrier to water, nutrients, and air not allowing it to reach the soil, and should be removed to ensure a healthy lawn. Aeration reduces thatch, improves drainage, and loosens the soil. Read more about Aeration here. Aerating allows the oxygen, water, and fertilizer to penetrate to the grassroots helping them grow deeper and stronger.
Another important step to ensure a healthy lawn in the spring is fertilizing to promote future growth. Grass responds well to feedings in early September and again in late fall (late October or November). It helps lawns green up earlier and look better in spring. A fall application of fertilizer delivers essential nutrients for the grass to grow deep roots now and to keep nutrients on reserve for a healthy start next spring.
Next, it is time to fill in any bald spots and overseed. Autumn is the best time of year to seed lawns. Newly germinated grass seedlings have a better chance of survival in the cooler season. Seed is better able to retain moisture in these conditions and seedlings will thrive without the extreme heat that occurs in the summer. A lawn that is never overseeded tends to grow old. Eventually, an old lawn will have trouble maintaining vigorous growth, competing with weeds, and dealing with other lawn stresses.
Weeds, like most plants, are in the energy-absorbing mode during the fall. They’re drinking in everything that comes their way, including weed killers. Apply now and the weeds won’t return in the spring.
Be sure you are removing the fall leaves as they accumulate. Don’t wait until all the leaves have fallen to remove them as they get wet and heavy and will smoother the grass. Raking leaves is nobody’s idea of fun but if you don’t they will become a soggy and suffocating mess.
Throughout the fall, also continue to water and mow your lawn as needed. As you get close to the end of the season, lower your lawnmower blades and cut the grass shorter, this will allow more sunlight to reach the crown of the grass and there will be less grass leaf to turn brown. It also prevents tall grass from lying down and smothering new grass in the spring.
Of course with your busy day-to-day life, many people do not have the time or the patience required to maintain a healthy lawn for the spring. So let LCM PLUS help. Our highly trained professionals will help ensure your lawn is healthy, strong, and ready for the spring. Call now to be added to our lawn maintenance and fertilization schedule so you can enjoy the last bit of nice weather before we enter the cold winter knowing you will have a beautiful lawn in the spring. 1-855-526-7587