As you may have noticed, many New England home owners have their bushes and other shrubs wrapped with burlap late in the season.

The final part of a thorough fall clean up is to winterize & Untitledprotect your landscape! Younger plantings as well as more hardy types are still susceptible to winter damage.


Wrapping plantings provides insulation and decreases the chances of breakage as a result of ice & heavy snow on the branches. Wind desiccation and leaf scorch are also common problems that can easily be avoided by wrapping plants and/or applying anti-transpirants, a waxy protective spray.

Additionally an anti-desiccant or screen barrier can be used to deflect the light from the snow-line at the base of the planting which. Sunlight reflecting off snow can be intense and cause burns on leaves and needles.


Frost can damage and even kill plants, while excess water causes rot. Wrapping your plants will provide them protection from the elements, giving them a better chance of staying well-protected through winter weather. Reduce the risk of rot by wrapping your plants when their foliage is relatively dry, although some moisture will not be detrimental to your plants.

When the ground is frozen, plant roots absorb very little water, when there is not enough water in the cellular system of the plant stems and leaves suffer tissue damage. Cold winds which are dry of any humidity exacerbate this effect.


The technique for wrapping a plant depends on the material used, typically determined by the type of plant. The more breathable the material, the less likely it is that your plant will rot due to trapped moisture. Burlap and fleece are commonly used and are ideal because of their durability and insulation properties and the fact that air can circulate from their outside inward and vice versa. Plastic wrap and bubble wrap can be used to insulate the containers and roots of potted plants.

Plastic wrap also can be used as a waterproof and windproof barrier, holding in place fleece or straw that is used to insulate plants or as additional protection for burlap-wrapped plants. However it is important to not secure the plastic wrap too tightly around the plants as some air flow is necessary throughout the winter.

Keep in mind that a plants growth cycle is always ahead of the season in preparation for the next phase of development. Once the snow melts and the ground has begun to thaw it is a good idea to hose down your plantings and soak the soil. This will rinse off sediment that has accumulated through the winter as well as dilute the salt Untitled1concentration in the soil from applying ice melt and salt.


If your plantings are not yet wrapped, it is not too late! Contact LCM PLUS today and schedule the season’s final step for your property. Call, Click, or Visit our office! Our experienced professionals deliver trustworthy service held to the highest standard with impeccable attention to detail. LCM PLUS services include residential, commercial, and municipal projects.


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