An attractive exterior can tremendously increase the value of your home. Especially with the market we are in today, everyone is searching for the biggest bang for their buck. Even if you aren’t looking to sell, these features are also very useful and practical for daily life. Here are a few aspects of a property that increase its’ monetary value, as well as making it more appealing and useful.
A landscaped pathway.
A nicely maintained pathway is a great introduction when walking up to a new house. It is one of the first things a visitor notices as they approach as a potential buyer or a guest. If the walkway is cracked, grass growing all over it, or there is no defined pathway to the door at all, it automatically makes for an uninviting entrance. Make sure to maintain a nice pathway, possibly with some power washing and edging. Bluestone patios are very trendy these days if you are looking to replace a shabby walkway.
A well maintained lawn.
This should be a given, but many people lose track of consistently mowing or keeping up with weeds and crabgrass. It is not too hard to keep up with, but if neglected too long, the lawn will be costly and time consuming to get back into good shape. Make sure to fertilize, water at the right times of day, and don’t overlook the benefits of aerating!
Outdoor Lighting.
This could range from front door lights to a whole backyard beautifully illuminated with landscape lighting. There is so much you can do with outdoor lights and it brings such an inviting atmosphere to the whole property. It extends the use of your outdoor space even when the days begin getting shorter and provides extra security. Landscape lighting is always a good idea to look into for any property.
An automated irrigation system.
Automated irrigation / sprinkler systems may seem like a big investment, but always pay off over time. This idea saves so much time and hassle once installed and is very attractive to potential home buyers.
Four season deck or outdoor living space.
Outdoor living spaces are becoming extremely popular. Whether it be a simple backyard patio to an outdoor kitchen, gazebo, or fire pit, there is so much people can do with a well designed space. Four season decks or porches are a good alternative if you prefer something screened in. Overall, outdoor living is a huge trend these days and if well landscaped, will always leave an impression on your guests or home buyers.
A thoughtfully designed landscape.
A well designed landscape is imperative to make the outside of your property attractive. If the garden is unkempt, stones or rock walls are out of place or collapsing, or there is no structure to the yard, this just makes for a messy first impression. Some tasteful shrubs and trees placed thoughtfully throughout the lawn brings a nice appeal to the land, along with a well-kept garden for that pop of color. Rip out old plants and weeds that bring down the appearance of the yard and replace them with some easily maintainable perennials for a start, and always remember to keep fresh mulch!
Whether you are looking to sell your home or just want to increase the appearance and street view of a property, landscaping is always going to be the first step. Take into account the specific zone your land is in when choosing plants (New England ranges from zones 3-7) and consult a professional landscaping company when redoing an outdoor living space or patio. If you are going to spend time, money, and effort to redo something that should last years, you want it to be done right!